More Blooms and a Happy Mother's Day
I told you I'm a sucker for this time of year, so bear with me as I share more pictures of our flowers blooming. Our weeping cherry. We used to have two that would form a canopy above you as you walked down the path to our back door. It was magical. Alas, we lost it to a grub attack the super hot summer when we first bought the house. :( We must buy a new one. Here's one of our other cherry trees. I believe it's called a Kwanzan cherry tree. Gorgeous, huh? Especially with the blue sky as a background and the cute little Japanese maple beneath it. I love plants too much. I know. I can't help myself. The walkway to Tristan's school. It was a lovely Mother's Day at our house. My mom and mother-in-law joined in for the festivities. Our cherry tree started to drop its flowers. They were blowing in the breeze. It was beautiful. and a baby surrounded by flower...