Weekend in Review

Hello there!

It's been waaaaay tooooo long. So sorry for my absence, but my nanny/babysitter had a death in the family and had to go home for a week.  All of our back up babysitters-aka our parents- were out of the country, traveling for business or extremely busy at the office and therefore could not provide their usual assistance. 

Luckily for us, hubby's company has emergency daycare that you can use 3 weeks out of the year for situations just like this.  I really have to take my hat off to parents who schlep their kiddos every day to daycare, summer camp, grandma and grandpa's house etc. before they head into the office.  Let me just say it ain't easy getting those little guys dressed and fed and out the door early in the morning (of course I have to do this on weekends, but there isn't the pressure of being late for work).  The boys ended up having a great time and enjoyed taking the subway every day, so somehow we survived. 

Oh- and most importantly- we've been waiting for the permits to do our kitchen renovation FOR AGES.
They FINALLY came in! Hooray! Now comes the hard part- actually getting my contractor to tell me when he's going to start the work.... uuuuuuuuuuuugggggggggghhhhhh... Let me just say that dealing with contractors can be a nightmare!!!!  So, hopefully, very soon I will start having more pictures of the progress at the house again.  I'll keep you updated on that front.

Until then, here are some pictures from the window shopping I managed to sneak in in between my trips back and forth to hubby's office to drop off and pick up the boys and then meet them for lunch each day.

Pics taken with my phone so excuse the quality.

We still need to pick the granite for the counter tops in our kitchen. 
Our cabinets are ready and waiting for installation, but you can't install cabinets until the kitchen renovation is done, right?  And a kitchen renovation can't be done unless it's started, right?  Contractor!!!
I digress......

So, I came across this granite, which looks like marble.  I love marble, but it's not a recommended stone for the kitchen as it is very porous and stains very easily.  With this granite, I can get the look of marble with the durability of granite.  Win, win!

Saw this kitchen and granite at Manhattan Center for Kitchen & Bath:


Remember my post about my plans for a white kitchen?
Take a look again {here}.

Then I headed over to the summer sale at ABC Carpet & Home:

This clustered chandelier might look cool hanging in the landing of a staircase.

This doesn't really go with the vibe of our house, but I thought this rustic, vintage, Americana feel would look great in some one's man cave.

These aviator style chairs would be a great addition to said man cave.

Loved this dining table.  I thought the chrome legs and glass top were great.  The length was perfect.
The best part was the reclaimed wood under the glass top.  Super cool. 
Unfortunately, I think this too is a bit too rustic for our house.


This chesterfield sofa would look great in our living room. 
The chesterfield style has old world charm that goes with our 1897 Victorian house, but this one is a bit sleeker than others which goes perfectly with our contemporary style.

These Calvin Klein chairs are quite simple.  The color, which doesn't translate well in pictures, is very luminescent- almost like a pearly grey.  The great things about these chairs is the fabric.  I'm not sure what they are made of, but I could tell they were easy to wipe clean.  With two boys under the age of 3 and a half, material, durability and ease of cleaning are unfortunately high on the list of importance cuz I don't want them to ruin my stuff!

Can you say foyer?

A bit more frou-frou than my normal style, but this chandelier does have great presence and it definitely would look beautiful in our Victorian entry way.

Love this rug. 
 Love the accent pieces of yellow and pink.

Look! I match the above picture. lol. 
 Hubby and I had a baby shower to attend on the water in New Haven, Connecticut.
It was a lovely event.  It's always great catching up with friends you haven't seen in a while.
Congrats Ted & Christine!
We can't wait to meet your little bundle.

Me looking a bit squinty without my sunglasses.
Top and yellow bracelet from a recent J. Crew sale (love the crew).
Other bracelet: David Yurman, similar {here} and {here}; Jeans- J. Brand, similar {here}, Bag- J.Crew (old)

Enjoy your week!


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