Lots of Change

New house, new job with a whole new commute, lots of change going on at the household of StyleBurbia.

Let's just say that it hasn't been easy.
I started out this week ready to start my new job. Got to the burbia bus stop an hour and a half before I had to be at orientation. The bus I was planning on taking passed me by. I waited for another bus, that one passed me by too then nothing.... And nothing... Of course I started to panic. So to make a long, pain inducing story short, there were two things conspiring against me- 2 accidents at the Lincoln tunnel and the fact that trains in my town still weren't working because of hurricane Sandy and everyone was taking the bus. I was supposed to be at the office at 9:30 and didn't make it in until 11:15!!!!!

What a way to start a new job.

Unfortunately, I didn't figure out the issue with the trains until I waited for the bus again on Tuesday and a lovely man saw me waiting and told me there were 40 people down the road that had been waiting for an hour and I would never get on any bus that came. Thank you, kind stranger! At least I was only half an hour late on Tuesday. Ugh!!!

Happily now, I am sitting on a bus making my way into the office ON TIME.

Did I really just spend all of that time talking about my commute? Sorry, but it was PAINFUL and I had to share.

Soooo on to bigger and better things. I took a week off in between my old job and my new job. Though I wish this time had been spent on a tropical beach, sans children, with drink in hand it was spent dealing with no power (luckily it came back in the middle of day 2 of my 'vacation', unpacking (yes, still), organizing and crossing things off my long to do list.

Here are a few pictures from my week off:
I saw a lot of yards that looked like this.  Holy tree, batman!

The dairy and meat aisles of our local supermarkets.  Crazy, huh?

A little indoor fun:


The hours of enjoyment that can come from a box:



Time to pick up the leaves.
The end of an errand-filled week.



  1. Congratulations on the new job Ris. So sorry about your commute/ Hurricane Sandy nightmare. Glad things are looking up. Oh, and re the box, its amazing how our kids have all these great super hi-tech toys and get the most enjoyment from a simple box. A lesson to us adults right? LOL.

  2. Thanks Yaz! Though my response is slightly late. lol.
    I couldn't agree with your box commentary more. xoxo


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