
Things have been a bit slow lately over at the new digs.  We have been waiting for our final plans from our architect on the design of the new kitchen area (we received them!).  We were waiting for quotes from three places for the kitchen cabinets and we finally got the last one yesterday.  We are also waiting on some quotes for a new heating system in the house which will unify the 3! different types of heat that currently exist- convection, steam and electric.  Now I know Rome wasn't built in 3 days, but it is a bit hard to deal with down time when we were going a million miles per hour.  It feels like we got so much done and then came to a screeching halt. 

A few weeks ago, when we were neck deep in a thousand projects, we decided to take a field trip to check out some granite for our humongous new island in our kitchen.  We had a few ideas in mind, but were completely blown away by the number of choices out there.

We went into the showroom and these were just a few of the choices:

Once you selected a few pieces that you liked, a 'guide' took you outside to the yard to show you the larger pieces that the samples came from.

You can even select the specific portion of the slab that you like:

Some of the details where so amazing and beautiful- Earth and some of its wonders.


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