A Little Weekend Fun (for once)..
We usually go out to our house every weekend to check on the progress that happened during the week and then stay with my parents that live in a neighboring town. We're usually running around like maniacs picking up more supplies from Home Depot or going to look at more tile, faucets, paint etc. etc. We have done this almost every weekend since we bought our house in late January . Let's just say, it's a grind. Last weekend, we decided to have some fun and chill with friends for a loooooooong overdue visit. They live in a super quaint town in Long Island, New York right near the water. Only wish they lived closer. :( Can you say lovely? This looks like a painting, right? I have a thing for weeping willows. One of my neighbors in my old childhood neighborhood had one of these in their yard. Love them. I guess there is something romantic about them or do I just have a strange affinity towards trees? ... probably the l...