Yippee! Hooray!

Update! Update!

The stars have aligned and finally our contractor has started work on our house!


Sooooooooooooo excited!!!!!

Can you tell?????

I will post some better before, during and after pictures, but I was so excited to share these preliminary pictures with you. 

Oh, by the way I didn't tell you what we are doing here... lol.  I'm so excited I'm losing myself here.

The sun room is not original to the house.  In fact, while we were doing some work to the crawl spaces under the sun room and kitchen we discovered the foundation of what looked like a small porch off the back of the house.  Along the way, I guess the back porch, back steps and a small patio were removed to extend the kitchen and make a small sun room.

See pictures {here} and {here}.

I guess, the architect/contractor that added the sun room to the house did not pitch the roof properly and therefore it was a bit too flat.  Water was pooling in certain areas and the architect who redesigned the kitchen for us said that eventually the roof would have to be redone because it would start rotting.  We figured with everything in the kitchen already demoed that we might as well fix the roof now instead of doing it later.  And now we have the story to go along with the below pictures....  :)

More to come! Stay tuned!



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